These degree requirements apply to on campus and online programs.

(30 Credits)

M.S. in Business and Information Systems

Business Core (2 courses)
IS 677Information System Principles3
or MIS 645 Information Technology and Competitive Advantage
Select one of the following:3
Management Accounting 1
Corporate Finance I 1
Managing Organizational Behavior in Technology-Based Organizations 1
Information Systems Core (6 courses)
IS 601Web Systems Development3
IS 631Enterprise Database Management3
IS 663System Analysis and Design3
IS 665Data Analytics for Info System 3
IS 684Business Process Innovation3
Select one of the following:3
Enterprise Architecture and Integration
IT Service Management
Total Credits24

Electives and Specialization Areas

We strongly encourage students to design and conduct a Masters Project or Thesis with an Informatics professor. If you are considering a Project or Thesis, please consult the professor early to determine the best electives to support your work. IS 700 can substitute for one elective and IS 701 for two electives, and be considered part of a specialization with the MS Advisor's permission.  

Select two of the following electives or 26
Select IS 700B and one of the following electives or
Select IS 701 to substitute for both of your electives:
Data Analytics
Recommended Electives:
IS 634Information Retrieval3
IS 687Transaction Mining and Fraud Detection3
IS 688Web Mining3
Additional Electives:
CS 602Java Programming3
CS 632Advanced Database System Design3
CS 634Data Mining3
CS 636Data Analytics with R Program3
CS 644Introduction to Big Data3
CS 675Machine Learning3
CS 676Cognitive Computing3
CS 731Applications of Database Systems3
CS 732Advanced Machine Learning3
CE 602Geographic Information System3
MATH 644Regression Analysis Methods3
MATH 660Introduction to statistical Computing with SAS and R3
MATH 678Statistical Methods in Data Science3
MGMT 635Data Mining and Analysis3
MGMT 682Business Research Methods I3
PTC 628Analyzing Social Networks3
Business Decision Making
IS 678IT Service Management3
ACCT 615Management Accounting3
FIN 600Corporate Finance I3
HRM 601Managing Organizational Behavior in Technology-Based Organizations3
MIS 648Decision Support Systems for Managers3
MIS 680Management Science3
MGMT 620Strategic Management of Technological Innovation3
MGMT 630Decision Analysis with Quantitative Modeling3
MGMT 650Knowledge Management3
MGMT 685Operations Research and Decision Making3
MGMT 688Internet Law and Policy Issues3
MRKT 620Global Marketing Management3
MRKT 645Digital Marketing Strategy3
Healthcare Informatics
CS 639Elec. Medical Records: Med Terminologies and Comp. Imp.3
IE 686Intro to Healthcare Systems3
IE 687Healthcare Enterprise Systems3
IE 688Healthcare Sys Perfor Modeling3
PTC 640Health Communications3
R834 581Health Systems and Policy3
R834 582Health Care Management3
R834 659Healthcare Finance3
User Experience Design
Recommended Electives:
IS 661User Experience Design 43
IS 664Customer Discovery 43
IS 686Pervasive Computing: An HCI Perspective3
IS 735Social Media3
IE 661Man-Machine Systems3
IE 662Cognitive Engineering3
IE 664Advanced Ergonomics3
PTC 605Elements of Visual Design3
PTC 606Advanced Information Design3
PTC 629Theory and Practice of Social Media3
PTC 650eLearning Design for Mobile3
Security and Network Management
IS 680Information Systems Auditing3
IS 681Computer Security Auditing3
IS 682Forensic Auditing for Computing Security3
CS 608Cryptography and Security3
CS 645Security and Privacy in Computer Systems3
CS 646Network Protocols Security3
CS 647Counter Hacking Techniques3
CS 652Cognitive Cloud Networking - Architectures and Applications3
CS 656Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols3
CS 696Network Management and Security3
CS 708Advanced Data Security and Privacy3
CS 755Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks3
CS 756Mobile Computing and Sensor Networks3
IT 620Wireless Networks Security and Administration3
IT 640Network Services Administration3
Systems Analysis and Design
IS 676Requirement Engineering3
IS 683Web Systems Development3
IS 685Enterprise Architecture and Integration3
IS 661User Experience Design3
IS 664Customer Discovery3
CS 673Software Design and Production Methodology3
CS 683Software Project Management3
CS 684Software Testing and Quality Assurance3
CS 685Software Architecture3
EM 636Project Management3
EM 637Project Control3
MRKT 636Design and Development of High Technology Products3
Web Systems
IS 634Information Retrieval3
IS 661User Experience Design3
IS 664Customer Discovery3
IS 688Web Mining3
IS 690Web Services and Middleware3
PTC 605Elements of Visual Design3
PTC 628Analyzing Social Networks3
PTC 632Content Management and Information Architecture3
Build Your Own Specialization
Students may propose a coherent set of courses that have a common thread related to an area that you are interested in. The MS BIS advisor approves the proposed specialization.

Students who have taken an undergraduate equivalent of one of these courses may substitute up to one business core course with an additional elective. 


Students may optionally choose 2 or more courses from a single area, which will constitute a specialization.


Students considering a Master's Project or Thesis with the User Experience specialization are encouraged to take both IS 661 User Experience Design and IS 664 Customer Discovery as electives.