For further details, see


Fundamental Courses12
Elective Courses6
Specialty Area Courses12
Total Credits30

M.S. in Emergency Management and Business Continuity (courses only)

Fundamental/Core Courses 1
IS 613Design of Emergency Management Information Systems3
IS 614Command and Control Systems3
IS 612Emergency Management Informatics3
IS 616Learning Methodologies and Training Technologies3
Electives 2
Select two of the following:6
Managing Organizational Behavior in Technology-Based Organizations
Geographic Information System
Social Dimensions of Risk
Specialty/Application Area
Select four courses from the following areas: 312
Critical Infrastructure
Performance and Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Systems
Security Management of Critical Infrastructure
Management Science
ARCH 675
Computer Engineering
Wireless Communications: Fundamentals to 5G
Design of Wireless Networks: 5G Architecture and Services
Cloud and IoT Networking and Security
Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols
Principles of Broadband Networks
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering II
Environmental Science
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
Environmental Chemical Science
Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Analysis
Environmental Problem Solving
Quantitative Environmental Risk Assessment
Legal Aspects in Environmental Engineering
Information Systems
Enterprise Database Management
Information Retrieval
Information System Principles
Information Systems Auditing
Computer Security Auditing
Transaction Mining and Fraud Detection
Research Methods for Human-Centered Computing and Design
Management Accounting
Project Management
Corporate Finance I
Managing Technological and Organizational Change
Information Technology and Competitive Advantage
Information System Principles
Decision Support Systems for Managers
Decision Analysis with Quantitative Modeling
Knowledge Management
Data Mining and Analysis
Total Credits30

Students may choose core courses in any order but we recommend students take IS 612 Emergency Management Informatics in the first semester. 


Students who have not worked in this area are advised to consider doing a project or thesis.


Students may take a coherent set of four additional courses in another field that is related to Emergency Management. Usually this would be in their current professional area as specified by their undergraduate or other graduate degrees. Such courses may be applied to a second masters or a Ph.D. program in accordance with NJIT policies and program structure. Students can take all four courses in one specialty area or across several specialties as appropriate to their interests. 

M.S. in Emergency Management and Business Continuity (Master's project)

Fundamental/Core Courses 1
IS 613Design of Emergency Management Information Systems3
IS 614Command and Control Systems3
IS 612Emergency Management Informatics3
IS 616Learning Methodologies and Training Technologies3
IS 700BMaster's Project3
Select one of the following:3
Managing Organizational Behavior in Technology-Based Organizations
Geographic Information System
Social Dimensions of Risk
Specialty/Application Area
Select four courses from the following areas: 212
Critical Infrastructure
Performance and Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Systems
Security Management of Critical Infrastructure
Management Science
ARCH 675
Computer Engineering
Wireless Communications: Fundamentals to 5G
Design of Wireless Networks: 5G Architecture and Services
Cloud and IoT Networking and Security
Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols
Principles of Broadband Networks
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering II
Environmental Science
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
Environmental Chemical Science
Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Analysis
Environmental Problem Solving
Quantitative Environmental Risk Assessment
Legal Aspects in Environmental Engineering
Information Systems
Enterprise Database Management
Information Retrieval
Information System Principles
Information Systems Auditing
Computer Security Auditing
Transaction Mining and Fraud Detection
Research Methods for Human-Centered Computing and Design
Management Accounting
Project Management
Corporate Finance I
Managing Technological and Organizational Change
Information Technology and Competitive Advantage
Information System Principles
Decision Support Systems for Managers
Decision Analysis with Quantitative Modeling
Knowledge Management
Data Mining and Analysis
Total Credits30

Students may choose core courses in any order but we recommend students take IS 612 Emergency Management Informatics in the first semester. 


Students may take a coherent set of four additional courses in another field that is related to Emergency Management. Usually this would be in their current professional area as specified by their undergraduate or other graduate degrees. Such courses may be applied to a second masters or a Ph.D. program in accordance with NJIT policies and program structure. Students can take all four courses in one specialty area or across several specialties as appropriate to their interests. 

M.S. in Emergency Management and Business Continuity (Master's thesis)

Fundamental/Core Courses 1
IS 613Design of Emergency Management Information Systems3
IS 614Command and Control Systems3
IS 612Emergency Management Informatics3
IS 616Learning Methodologies and Training Technologies3
IS 701CMaster's Thesis6
Specialty/Application Area
Select four courses from the following areas: 212
Critical Infrastructure
Performance and Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Systems
Security Management of Critical Infrastructure
Management Science
ARCH 675
Computer Engineering
Wireless Communications: Fundamentals to 5G
Design of Wireless Networks: 5G Architecture and Services
Cloud and IoT Networking and Security
Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols
Principles of Broadband Networks
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering II
Environmental Science
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
Environmental Chemical Science
Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Analysis
Environmental Problem Solving
Quantitative Environmental Risk Assessment
Legal Aspects in Environmental Engineering
Information Systems
Enterprise Database Management
Information Retrieval
Information System Principles
Information Systems Auditing
Computer Security Auditing
Transaction Mining and Fraud Detection
Research Methods for Human-Centered Computing and Design
Management Accounting
Project Management
Corporate Finance I
Managing Technological and Organizational Change
Information Technology and Competitive Advantage
Information System Principles
Decision Support Systems for Managers
Decision Analysis with Quantitative Modeling
Knowledge Management
Data Mining and Analysis
Total Credits30

Students may choose core courses in any order but we recommend students take IS 612 Emergency Management Informatics in the first semester. 


Students may take a coherent set of four additional courses in another field that is related to Emergency Management. Usually this would be in their current professional area as specified by their undergraduate or other graduate degrees. Such courses may be applied to a second masters or a Ph.D. program in accordance with NJIT policies and program structure. Students can take all four courses in one specialty area or across several specialties as appropriate to their interests. 

Specialty/Application Area

There is an advisor for each specialty area that may be contacted for questions on that specialty area and for advice on choosing courses. The specialty areas currently include:

Critical Infrastructure

Critical Infrastructure focuses on planning issues, maintainability and safety engineering, vulnerability analysis, hazard/crisis impact analysis and mitigation, infrastructure inter-dependencies, rehabilitation technologies, condition assessment, problem detection, diagnosis and process propagation, and program management. Students with an undergraduate degree in civil engineering and related engineering disciplines would be encouraged to consider this specialty area.

Computer Engineering

The design and assurance of communication infrastructure is critical to all aspects of emergency management. Being able to evaluate and insure the mitigation of vulnerabilities for such systems is an important contribution to the infrastructure survivability of such systems. Students with an undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering are encouraged to consider this specialty area.

Environmental Science

With the increasing complexity of our society comes severe risk of the accidental and deliberate release of a wide range of hazardous materials, both chemical and biological. Those trained to be able to make a meaningful contribution to the understanding of the associated risks, how to detect and track the implications of their occurrence, and how to respond meaningfully to their mitigation represent an important professional talent that needs to be available in the Emergency Management and Business Continuity Area. All organizations dealing with hazardous materials should have this sort of talent in their Emergency Management team.

Information Systems

The application of computing information and communication in the Emergency Management and Business Continuity field represents the potential use of technology to integrate all the functions that must take place before, during, and after the disaster, as well as among the different organizations and units of organizations that must be involved in the preparedness, response, and recovery. Information systems are the glue that puts together planning, mitigation, detection, training, command and control, response, and recovery into one unified process that provides the necessary infrastructure for the overall responsibilities. As such, they must be designed and developed with the evolving needs of the users and the organizations integrated into the development process.


The professionals in Emergency Management must be able to integrate the development of plans for response processes (within their organization and across necessary external organizations). They must also ensure that everyone will receive adequate training and that in times of disaster those involved can work as well motivated and coordinated teams, no matter what degree of heterogeneity of expertise and level of experience exists among respondents. The emergency manager or business continuity professional must be able to be an entrepreneur or champion of emergency preparedness, and to prove and present people the best possible justifications for investing in an organizational function that may not be viewed as absolutely necessary by all those concerned, especially in times of restricted budgets. He or she must be able to stimulate planning, communication, and coordination among all parts of the organization or organizational units necessary to bring about effective crisis planning and response.