Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Into which MS degree will this Graduate Certificate convert?

In what industries might a holder of this Graduate Certificate find employment?

New business ventures, new divisions of businesses, startups

In what job titles might a holder of this Certificate fit?

Entrepreneur, Innovation Officer

Is this certificate fully available online (all courses)?


Description of certificate program

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship certificate is designed to help students identify business opportunities, transform innovation into sustainable business models, and to create new businesses. The coursework and the experiential learning cover new venture management, new product development, customer development, and the financial, legal and strategic issues of both entrepreneurship (new ventures within existing enterprises). Students work with companies in the Enterprise Development Center, NJIT's technology business incubator. The skills needed to commercialize new technologies will be valuable for students whether they want to work for a large organization or startup their own company.

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship concentration is intended for students considering careers (1) in new product development, (2) as founders of new business ventures - including individual startups and new divisions within large corporations, and (3) as entrepreneurship policy makers and program administrators.

Course Listing. Select 4 from the following:

HRM 630: Managing Technological and Organizational Change - Managing planned and unplanned change in organizations. The change process is studied in relation to technology-driven changes in the workplace and to other environmental factors. Focuses on planned and unplanned systemic change, such as downsizing, re-engineering, mergers, and acquisitions.

MGMT 620: Management of Technology - Technology as a main component of an organizational entity. Generation, development, and implementation of technology are outlined. Influence of technology on global competitiveness is also discussed.

MGMT 640: New Venture Management - Classroom instruction in business management and a term project involving the analysis of a business case. The course is designed to build upon and integrate the student's previously acquired business knowledge and skills into an understanding of how to start and run a new business.

MGMT 645: New Venture Finance - Understanding of the problems and opportunities posed by the financing of a new and growing technology-based business. Students will study the financial conditions of new businesses and examine the effect of growth upon cash flow while exploring optimal sources of capital.

MGMT 691: Legal and Ethical Issues - Explores the legal and ethical responsibilities of managers. Analyzes extent to which shareholders should be allowed to exercise their legitimate economic, legal, and ethical claims on corporate managers; extent of regulation of a particular industry, individual rights of the employee and various corporate interests, and corporate responsibility to consumers, society, and conservation of natural resources and the environment.

MRKT 631: Marketing Research - Research and managerial perspective on advanced marketing research methods and analytical techniques. Topics include problem formulation, research design, data collection and analysis, managerial report writing. Students will acquire experience by developing and executing their own marketing research project using sophisticated computerized analytical techniques.

MRKT 636: Design and Development of Technology Products - Focus on analysis of needs of buyers and consumers for specific product characteristics and the development of appropriate products to satisfy such needs. The process of identifying new product opportunities, screening new product concepts, product testing and test marketing, product positioning, and development of the marketing strategy and implementation plans.

MRKT 645: Digital Marketing Strategy - Introduction to the use of the Internet and electronic commerce in the development of marketing strategy. Examines the characteristics of electronic markets, the use of Internet for data collection and market research, the Internet as a communication and distribution medium, and the development of Internet-based marketing strategies.