Degree Requirements

Students who lack an appropriate background are asked to make up deficiencies by taking a program of bridge courses that is designed in consultation with the graduate advisor. These courses are not typically available online and taken in addition to the degree requirements. Please note that the prerequisites for bridge course must also be met.

A minimum of 30 credits, not including any bridge courses, is required. Candidates must consult with the graduate advisor (not thesis advisor) in designing appropriate programs of study.

Students must attain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the core courses listed bellow, and a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.

Students receiving financial aid at any point in their studies must complete 6 credits of CE 701 . Any students are able to substitute Master's thesis in their program.

Online M.S. in Civil Engineering

Bridge Courses
CS 101Computer Programming and Problem Solving3
ECON 265Microeconomics3
MATH 112Calculus II4
MATH 105Elementary Probability and Statistics3
MECH 320Statics and Strength of Materials3
CE 200Surveying2
or CE 200A Surveying Laboratory
CE 210Construction Materials and Procedures3
CE 320Fluid Mechanics3
CE 321Water Resources Engineering3
CE 341Soil Mechanics3
CE 350Transportation Engineering3
Total Credits33
Core Courses
CE 610Construction Management3
CE 611Project Planning and Control3
CE 616Construction Cost Estimating3
CE 620Open Channel Flow3
CE 621Hydrology3
TRAN 603Introduction to Urban Transportation Planning3
TRAN 752Traffic Control3
Management/Leadership Electives
EM 602Management Science3
HRM 601Managing Organizational Behavior in Technology-Based Organizations3
EM 631Legal Aspects in Environmental Engineering3
Total Credits30