Degree Requirements

A minimum of 30 degree credits, not including any bridge courses, is required. Candidates  must consult with the graduate advisor (not thesis advisor) in designing appropriate programs of study.

Students must attain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the core courses listed below, and a minimum overall GPA of 3.0.

Master of Science in Critical Infrastructure Systems

Core Courses
4 Core Courses are required and are: 112
Performance and Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Systems
Security Management of Critical Infrastructure
Management Science
Elements of Infrastructure Planning
Select six courses (or 4 courses and a Thesis) from the following:18
Critical Infrastructure Life-Cycle Management (CILC)
Planning and Facilities Management:
Geographic Information System
Infrastructure and Facilities Remediation
Engineered Systems:
Mass Transportation Systems
Power System Steady-State Analysis
Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols
Cloud and IoT Networking and Security
Random Signal Analysis
Introduction to Communication Systems: Evolution to 5G and Beyond
Program/Impact Management:
Construction Management
Project Planning and Control
Construction Cost Estimating
Industrial Simulation
Engineering Reliability
Safety Engineering Methods
Site Remediation
Water Chemistry
Environmental Impact Analysis
Managing Organizational Behavior in Technology-Based Organizations
Critical Infrastructure Security and Emergency Management (CISE)
Emergency and Preparedness Management (Joint UMDNJ):
Design of Emergency Management Information Systems
Command and Control Systems
Enabling Systems and Technologies:
Decision Support Systems for Managers
Traffic Studies and Capacity
Traffic Control
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Operations Cost and Management Control
Data Mining and Analysis
Knowledge Management
Data Management System Design
Advanced Database System Design
Pattern Recognition and Applications
A Queueing Approach to Performance Analysis
Systems Analysis and Simulation
Public Health Systems and Emergency Preparedness:
RBHS Courses
Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
Introduction to Environmental Health
Public Health Preparedness I:Agents of Mass Injury or Destruction
Public Health Preparedness II:Emergency Management and Response
Health/Risk Communications
Other Electives: Master's Thesis 2
Total Credits30

Students receiving financial aid at any point in their studies must complete 6 credits of CE 701


Other suitable electives may be taken subject to approval of program advisor, particularly in the area of Public Health Systems and Emergency Preparedness.