Degree Requirements

Bridge Program

Students who have earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (B.S.E.T.) degree, or who lack an appropriate background may be admitted and be required to take selected courses in addition to the degree requirements in order to make up deficiencies. They must attain a grade of B or better in each course. At the discretion of the department, students who have taken courses equivalent to these may have their bridge programs reduced accordingly.

Master's Program

This master's program consists of 30 credits. As a requirement for graduation, students must achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA in graduate-level courses, not including the master's thesis or project. The project grade must be B or better.

Master's Project/Master's Thesis

If a student chooses to do a Master’s Project, the student should take 9 courses plus ECE 700B Master's Project.  If a student would like to do a Master’s Thesis, the student should first take 8 courses plus the 700B MS Project course, and receive a satisfactory (S) grade in 700B before taking 701B MS Thesis in the immediate following semester with the same advisor. The MS thesis topic should be continuation of the work done in 700B.

M.S. in Power and Energy Systems

Bridge Courses
ECE 321Random Signals and Noise3
ECE 232Circuits and Systems II3
ECE 333Signals and Systems3
ECE 361Electromagnetic Fields3
ECE 372Electronic Circuits II3
Total Credits15
Core Courses
ECE 601Linear Systems3
ECE 610Power System Steady-State Analysis3
Specialized Courses/Electives
Select three of the following:9
Transients in Power Systems
Power Electronics
Photovoltaic Semiconductors and Renewable Energy
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
Protection of Power Systems
Economic Control of Interconnected Power Systems
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols
VLSI Design I
Control System Components
Applied Advanced Control Systems
Random Signal Analysis
High-Performance Network Function, Data Center, and Virtualization
Embedded Computing Systems
Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced Thermodynamics
Applied Heat Transfer
Environmental Impact Analysis 1
Safety Engineering Methods
Total Credits30

MGMT 692 Strategic Management and other business and management courses can be included as optional electives based on the student background, instructor approval and advisor approval.

Electives below are listed by specialization/track. This is not an exhaustive list of tracks. 

Power Systems Track

ECE 610 Power System Steady-State Analysis

ECE 611 Transients in Power Systems

ECE 613 Protection of Power Systems

ECE 617 Economic Control of Interconnected Power Systems

Wind Power Track

ECE 616 Power Electronics

ECE651 Wind Transmission and Grid Interconnection

ECE652 HVDC Design, Operation and Maintenance

ECE654 US Offshore Renewable Energy Policy

ECE 656 Power System Dynamics

ECE670 Management Strategies in the Offshore Wind Industry

ECE671 Wind Plant Project Development

Smart Grid Track

ECE 616 Power Electronics

ECE 619 Intelligent Sensing for Smart Grid and Smart City

ECE 637 Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols

ECE 698 Smart Grid Technologies and Applications