This is a multidisciplinary program for secondary school teachers to strengthen their background in science, business, computing, engineering, architecture and/or technical communication.

Admission Requirements

Applicants should be practicing secondary school teachers who have a bachelor’s degree. Individuals who seek admission to the program are considered on an individual basis and will be advised in choosing a track matching their teaching assignments as teachers. Students who lack an appropriate background for their chosen track or a particular course that they plan to take may be asked to take one or more bridge/undergraduate courses that will not count toward the degree requirements.

Degree requirements

Students must successfully complete 30 credits:

  • 9 credits of core courses;
  • 3 credits of master’s project or 6 credits of master’s thesis;
  • 15 credits of courses in the chosen track when choosing the project option

or 12 credits of courses in the chosen track when choosing the thesis option; and

  • at least 3 credits of additional elective courses (elective courses can be from other tracks if the student has the required background or prerequisites).

Core Courses 

Choose 3 courses(9 credits):
PTC 603Identity, Technology, and Communication3
PTC 629Theory and Practice of Social Media3
PTC 681Tech in Class & Learning Envir3
PTC 698Selected Topics in Professional and Technical Communication3


Required Courses (3 credits)
Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
Additional Courses (choose 3 or 4 courses to earn 9 or 12 credits)
Managerial Economics
Corporate Finance I
Corporate Finance II
Data Mining and Analysis
New Venture Management
Knowledge Management
Legal and Ethical Issues in a Digital World
Strategic Management
Computer Science
Required Courses (6 credits)
Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms
Foundations of Computer Science
Additional Courses (choose 2 or 3 courses to earn 6 or 9 credits)
Data Structures and Algorithms
Operating System Design
Data Management System Design
Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols
Engineering Management
Required Courses (6 credits)
Project Management
Managing Organizational Behavior in Technology-Based Organizations
Additional Courses (choose 2 or 3 courses to earn 6 or 9 credits)
Management Accounting
Total Quality Management
Information Technology and Competitive Advantage
Legal, Ethical and Intellectual Property Issues for Engineering Managers
Project Control
Cost Estimating for Capital Projects
Legal Aspects in Construction
Information Systems
Required Courses (6 credits)
Web Systems Development
System Analysis and Design
Additional Courses (choose 2 or 3 courses to earn 6 or 9 credits)
Enterprise Database Management
Data Analytics for Info System
Requirement Engineering
IT Service Management
Information Systems Auditing
Computer Security Auditing
Business Process Innovation
Web Mining
Required Courses (6 credits)
Advanced Engineering Statistics
Systems Analysis and Simulation
Additional Courses (choose 2 or 3 courses to earn 6 or 9 credits)
Linear Systems
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Random Signal Analysis
Engineering Cost and Production Economics
Industrial Quality Control
Total Quality Management
Matrix Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Measurements
Computer-Aided Design
Engineering Physiology
Introduction to Biomechanical Engineering
Computer Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Required Courses (6 credits)
Structures I
Structures II
Additional Courses (choose 2 or 3 courses to earn 6 or 9 credits)
Tools and Techniques I
Tools and Techniques II
History of Architecture I
History of Architecture II
Construction I
Construction II
Environmental Control Systems I
Environmental Control Systems II
Professional Practice I
Required Courses (6 credits)
Advanced Organic Chemistry I: Structure
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Additional Courses (choose 2 or 3 courses to earn 6 or 9 credits)
Principles Pharm Chemistry
Environmental Chemical Science
Required Courses (6 credits)
Introductory Mathematical Analysis
Advanced Calculus
Additional Courses (choose 2 or 3 courses to earn 6 or 9 credits)
Numerical Methods for Computation
Linear Algebra and Applications
Introduction to statistical Computing with SAS and R
Applied Statistics
Required Courses (3 credits)
Adv Classical Mechanics
Additional Courses (choose 3 or 4 courses to earn 9 or 12 credits)
Classical Electrodynamic
Statistical Mechanics
Solid-State Physics
Topics in Astronomy and Cosmology

Custom track

Students may develop an individual track in consultation with a graduate advisor. A coherent set of courses involving mathematics, computing, physics, chemistry, biology or engineering are expected.