Plan of Study Grid
First Year
1st SemesterCredits
ARCH 195 Architecture Studio I 4
ARCH 110 Tools and Techniques I: Introduction to Architecture Thinking 3
ENGL 101 English Composition: Introduction to Academic Writing 3
CS 104 Computer Programming and Graphics Problems 3
MATH 107 University Mathematics A ii 3
FYS SEM First-Year Student Seminar 0
 Term Credits16
2nd Semester
ARCH 196 Architecture Studio II 4
ARCH 156 Tools and Techniques II: Introduction to Architecture Making 3
ENGL 102 English Composition: Introduction to Writing for Research 3
MATH 105 Elementary Probability and Statistics ii 3
Social Sciences GER 3
 Term Credits16
Second Year
1st Semester
ARCH 295 Architecture Studio III 4
ARCH 210 History of Architecture I 3
ARCH 223 Construction I 3
PHYS 102 General Physics I 3
PHYS 102A General Physics I Lab 1
 Term Credits14
2nd Semester
ARCH 296 Architecture Studio IV 4
ARCH 211 History of Architecture II 3
ARCH 224 Construction II 3
Natural Science GER 3
History and Humanities GER 200 level 3
 Term Credits16
Third Year
1st Semester
ARCH 395 Architecture Studio V 4
ARCH 303 Structures I 3
ARCH 309 Environmental Control Systems I 3
ARCH 324 Landscape and Urbanism 3
History and Humanities GER 300+ level 3
 Term Credits16
2nd Semester
ARCH 396 Architecture Studio VI 4
ARCH 304 Structures II 3
ARCH 314 Environmental Control Systems II 3
ARCH Elective iii 3
History and Humanities GER 300+ level 3
 Term Credits16
Fourth Year
1st Semester
ARCH 495 Advanced Architecture Studio I 5
ARCH 472 Professional Practice I 3
ARCH Elective (Technology) 3
Humanities and Social Science Senior Seminar GER 3
 Term Credits14
2nd Semester
ARCH 463 Options Studio I 5
ARCH 475 Professional Practice II 3
ARCH Elective (Technology) 3
ARCH Elective iii 3
 Term Credits14
Fifth Year
1st Semester
ARCH 595 Advanced Architecture Studio II 5
ARCH 561 Synthesis Seminar 3
ARCH Elective (History/Theory) 3
ARCH Elective iii 3
 Term Credits14
2nd Semester
ARCH 464
Option Studio II
or Advanced Architectural Design Studio
ARCH Elective (History/Theory) 3
ARCH Elective iii 3
ARCH Elective iii 3
 Term Credits14
 Total Credits150

Students must maintain continuous enrollment in the HUM101/HUM102 sequence every Fall and Spring semester until successful completion.


Students must maintain continuous enrollment in the Math sequence every Fall and Spring semester until successful completion. 


Courses listed under ARCH Elective (Technology) and ARCH Elective (History/Theory) can be counted as ARCH Electives.

ARCH Electives (Technology)

ARCH 301Digital Modeling and Fabrication3
ARCH 316Structural Computer Applications BIM3
ARCH 337Building Information Modeling3
ARCH 361Adaptive Paradigms in Architecture3
ARCH 423Advanced Construction3
ARCH 429Advanced Structures3
ARCH 461Resilient Structural Design and Construction3
ARCH 483ST:3
ARCH 537Cable and Tension Structures3
ARCH 538Sustainable Architecture3
ARCH 541Material Systems in Design3
ARCH 543Lighting3
ARCH 545Case Studies in Architectural Technology3
ARCH 546Designing and Optimizing the Building Enclosure3

ARCH Electives (History/Theory)

ARCH 331Formal Principles of Landscape Design Traditions Across the Globe3
ARCH 332Architecture: Image and Word I3
ARCH 333Architecture:Image and Word II3
ARCH 335Digital Tectonics3
ARCH 408Investigations in the Contemporary Landscape3
ARCH 530Methods of Architectural Research3
ARCH 531History of Modern Architecture3
ARCH 533History of American Architecture3
ARCH 534Aspects of Urban + Suburban Form3
ARCH 535History of Architectural Ideas3
ARCH 536Landscape and American Culture3
ARCH 557Problems in Modern Housing3
ARCH 559Social Issues in Housing3
ARCH 571Sustainable City3
ARCH 572Mapping Urbanism3
ARCH 574Case Studies in Community and Urban Design3
ARCH 576Architecture of Utopia3
ARCH 583ST:3
INT 350History of Furniture3

ARCH Electives

ARCH 283Special Topics3
ARCH 317Advanced Architectural Graphics3
ARCH 432P3 Post Presentation Processing3
AD 150Color and Composition3
AD 325Entrepreneurship for Designers3
AD 340Photography and Imaging3
DD 320Robotics for Architects and Designers3
DD 321Interactive and Reactive Environments3
DD 334Simulated Environments3
DD 449Imaginary Worlds: Architecture in Motion Pictures3
ID 340Materials and Processes3
ID 341Sustainable Materials and Processes3
ID 370New Product Testing3
INT 351Furniture Design3

See the General Education Requirements “Refer to the General Education Requirements for specific information for GER courses“