Statistics - Any one of the following courses unless one is already a required core course in your major:3
Applied Statistical Methods
Probability and Statistics
Statistical Methods II
Business Data Analytics
Mining - Any one of the following courses unless one is already a required core course in your major:3
Data Mining
Web Mining and Information Retrieval
Core Database and Analytics - Any one of the following courses unless one is already a required core course in your major:3
Database System Design & Mgmt
Database Design Management and Applications
Social Network Analysis
Web Mining and Information Retrieval
Advanced Information Systems
Remaining two to five courses from the following are not already required core courses in your major:6-10
Database System Design & Mgmt
Data Mining
Social Network Analysis
Web Mining and Information Retrieval
Advanced Information Systems
Statistical Methods II
Business Data Analytics
Business Research Methods
Dec Supprt Tool & Tech Mngrs
Business Operations Management and Analytics
A student may choose an independent study focused specifically on Data Analytics .

This minor is not intended for CS/DS majors. A minimum of 15 credits (including one overlapping course from your major) is required to complete this minor. Students taking a core statistics course that does not require calculus as a prerequisite (such as Math 105) are encouraged to take a calculus based statistics course (such as Math 333).