Note: Students taking a core statistics course that does not require calculus as a prerequisite (such as Math 105) are encouraged to take a calculus-based statistics course instead (such as Math 333).

Statistics - Any one of the following courses unless one is already a required core course in your major:3
Applied Statistical Methods
Probability and Statistics
Statistical Methods II
Business Data Analytics
Mining - Any one of the following courses unless one is already a required core course in your major:3
Data Mining
Web Mining and Information Retrieval
Core Database and Analytics - Any one of the following courses unless one is already a required core course in your major:3
Database System Design & Mgmt
Database Design Management and Applications
Social Network Analysis
Advanced Information Systems
Remaining two to five courses from the following are not already required core courses in your major:6-10
Database System Design & Mgmt
Data Mining
Social Network Analysis
Web Mining and Information Retrieval
Advanced Information Systems
Statistical Methods II
Business Data Analytics
Business Research Methods
Dec Supprt Tool & Tech Mngrs
Bus Operations Mgmt & Analytic
An independent study focus focused specifically on Data Analytics approved by YWCC advisor and the major advisor
Another course approved by YWCC advisors
Total Credits15-19