Students choose one track consisting of three courses in either Game Programming, Game Production or Virtual and Augmented Reality (XR). Students must then choose two additional courses from the list provided. These cannot include any courses from the chosen track and at least six credits of total coursework in the minor must be upper-level courses.

This minor is not intended for students in the IT major specializing in game development. Additionally, it is not for IT students who create their own specialization and utilize game development courses in that specialization. No course can be counted both for the game development minor and any IT specialization.

Game Programming Track9
Game Modification Development
2D Game Programming
3D Game Programming
Game Production Track9
Game Architecture and Design
Foundations of Game Production
IT 287
Virtual & Augmented Reality (XR) Track9
Game Architecture and Design
Game Design for XR
Advanced Topics in Game Design for XR
Remaining two courses should be chosen from the following:6
Game Architecture and Design
Game Modification Development
IT 287
Computer Graphics for Visual Effects
2D Game Programming
Educational Software Design
Game Design for XR
Advanced Topics in Game Design for XR
3D Modeling and Animation
3D Game Programming
An independent study focused on an area of Game Development and approved by YWCC advisor