(120 credits)

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
1st SemesterCredits
CS 100 Roadmap to Computing 3
ENGL 101 English Composition: Introduction to Academic Writing 3
Science Literacy with Lab GER 4
MATH 101
Foundations of Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
or General Calculus I
IS 117 Introduction to Website Development 3
FYS SEM First-Year Student Seminar 0
 Term Credits16
2nd Semester
IS 218 Building Web Applications 3
PSY 210
Introduction to Psychology
or Principles Of Psychology I
ENGL 102 English Composition: Introduction to Writing for Research 3
IS 247 Designing the User Experience 3
Science Literacy with Lab GER 4
 Term Credits16
Second Year
1st Semester
General Elective 1 1 3
Select one of the following: 3
Color and Composition
Design Fundamentals
3-D Design Fund
Intro To Drawing
MATH 105 Elementary Probability and Statistics 3
IS 350 Computers, Society and Ethics 3
R830 102 Prin Of Psychology 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
HCI Specialization Elective 1 3
IS 375 Discovering User Needs for UX 3
R830 301 Stat Meth Cog & Beh 4
R830 304 Cognitive Processes 3
YWCC 207 Computing & Effective Com 1
 Term Credits14
Third Year
1st Semester
IS 331 Database Design Management and Applications 3
IS 448 Usability & Measuring UX 3
IE 355
Human Factors
or Human Factors/Ergonomics
General Elective 2 2 3
IS 390 Requirements Analysis and Systems Design (General Elective 2) 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
General Elective 3 2 3
Select one of the following: 3
General Elective 4 2
R830 302 Exp Meth Cog & Beh 4
COM 312
Oral Presentations
or Technical Writing
YWCC 307 Professional Dev in Computing 1
 Term Credits14
Fourth Year
1st Semester
General Elective 5 2 3
General Elective 6 2 3
HCI Specialization Elective 2 3
Humanities and Social Science Senior Seminar GER 3
IE 492
Engineering Management
or Introduction to Entrepreneurship
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
IS 491
Senior Project - IS
or IT Capstone Project
General Elective 7 2 3
General Elective 8 2 3
HCI Specialization Elective 3 3
HCI Specialization Elective 4 3
 Term Credits15
 Total Credits120

If already taking a 300-level Humanities & History GER course as part of the HCI Specialization, then you may take a general elective here.


Independent Study (optionally leading to the Undergraduate Thesis Option): We encourage you to consider an independent study (IS 488) as part of your electives as juniors and seniors. You could then continue with an Undergraduate Thesis (IS 489), which optionally can substitute for IS 491 or IT 491. The thesis option is explained further on the Informatics Department web site. Please consult your advisor as early

HCI Specializations:

Students choose, with Advisor approval a coherent sequence of 4 courses, chose from one of the HCI specializations given below.

Cognitive Design

Select four of the following:12
Minds and Machines
Foundations of Cyberpsychology
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science II
Psych Of Adolescent
Social Psychology
Psychology Of Language
Adult & Aging
Psychology & Personality
Psych Of Emotion
Perceptual Dev
Intro To Cog Neurosc
Health Psychology
Media Psych

Game Design and Production

Select two of the following:12
IT 201Information Design Techniques3
IT 265Game Architecture and Design3
Choose two remaining electives from among the following. You may take both courses from one grouping or individual courses from two different groupings.
For students who want to focus on designing games in existing engines/development environments, consider these courses:
Foundations of Game Production
IT 287
For students who are more artistic, design or asset creation focused, consider these courses:
3D Modeling and Animation
For students who want to be challenged with C/C++ programming to develop their own 2D and 3D games, consider these courses:
Game Modification Development
IT 276
Students may also want to consider these interesting Digital Design courses:
History of Games
Acting Fundamentals for Animators

Graphical Arts Design

Select four of the following, which were not taken to fulfill other requirements:12
Communication in Art and Design - Digital Media 1
Color and Composition
Video and Animation
Interactive and Reactive Environments
Past, Present and Future of Design
Intro To Drawing 1
Design Fundamentals
3-D Design Fund

 See the General Education Requirements  “Refer to the General Education Requirements for specific information for GER courses"