(15 credits) Choose 5 of the courses

ACCT 117Principles Of Fin Accountng 3 3
FIN 218Financial Markets and Institutions 13
or MGMT 390 Principles of Business
FIN 315Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 43
or OM 375 Business Operations Management and Analytics
MIS 245Introduction to Management Information Systems 53
MRKT 330Principles of Marketing 63
MGMT 3XX, MGMT 4XX or HRM 3XX:Management or HRM Elective 73

At least one course must be in Finance


CCS students should complete MIS 363 Project Management for Managers or an alternate course. 


ACCT 615 Management Accounting (MSM/MBA Option)


FIN 600* or MIS 680 or MGMT 630 

Corporate Finance I or Management Science or Decision Analysis (MSM/MBA Option)


MIS 645 Information Systems Principles (MSM/MBA Option)


MRKT 620 Global Marketing Management (MSM/MBA Option)


MGMT 6XX or HRM 6XX Management or HRM Elective (MSM/MBA Option)


The MSM/MBA option is only for students in the BS/MS or BS/MBA programs. NJIT policies on the maximum number of graduate courses an undergraduate student can take will be followed.

Students should consult with their major advisor to find out if minor courses can fulfill requirements within their primary curriculum.

More information on this minor can be found on the School of Management's website.