(120 credits minimum) 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
1st SemesterCredits
CS 115 Introduction to Computer Science I in C++ 3
FED 101 Fundamentals of Engineering Design 2
ENGL 101 English Composition: Introduction to Academic Writing 3
MATH 111 Calculus I 4
PHYS 111 Physics I 3
PHYS 111A Physics I Lab 1
FYS SEM First-Year Student Seminar 0
 Term Credits16
2nd Semester
ECON 201 Economics 3
ENGL 102 English Composition: Introduction to Writing for Research 3
MATH 112 Calculus II 4
PHYS 121 Physics II 3
PHYS 121A Physics II Lab 1
 Term Credits14
Second Year
1st Semester
IE 203 Applications of Computer Graphics in Industrial Engineering 2
MECH 320 Statics and Strength of Materials 3
CHEM 121 Fundamentals of Chemical Principles I 3
MATH 222 Differential Equations 4
Select one of the following: 3
The Pre-Modern World
The Modern World
The Twentieth-Century World
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
IE 224 Production Process Design 3
MECH 236 Dynamics 2
MATH 211 Calculus III A * 3
CHEM 122 Fundamentals of Chemical Principles II ** 3
IE 331 Applied Statistical Methods 3
COM 312 Oral Presentations 3
 Term Credits17
Third Year
1st Semester
IE 355 Human Factors 3
IE 335 Engineering Cost Analysis and Control 3
IE 439 Deterministic Models in Operations Research 3
ME 339 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design 3
ECE 405 Electrical Engineering Principles 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
IE 334 Engineering Economy and Capital Investment 3
IE 339 Work Measurement and Standards 3
IE 440 Stochastic Models in Operations Research 3
IE 445 Idustrial Simulation 3
History and Humanities GER 300+ level 3
 Term Credits15
Fourth Year
1st Semester
IE Technical Elective 1 3
IE 443 Senior Project I 2
IE 461 Product Quality Assurance 3
IE 441 Information and Knowledge Engineering 3
Humanities and Social Science Senior Seminar GER 3
 Term Credits14
2nd Semester
IE 444 Senior Project II 2
IE 459 Supply Chain and Production Planning 3
IE 466 Material Handling and Facilities Layout 3
IE Technical Elective 2 3
IE Technical Elective 3 3
 Term Credits14
 Total Credits120

Industrial Engineering Technical Elective-

Students in industrial engineering select 9 credits of technical electives.  With the undergraduate advisor's approval, upper level technical courses from other departments may be used as technical electives.  Graduate courses having an IE, EM or MNE prefix and courses taken for the BS/MS program are also acceptable, provided that the requirements for taking such courses are met. Select three courses from the following list:

IE 447Legal Aspects of Engineering3
IE 449Industrial Robotics3
IE 453Computer Integrated Manufacturing3
IE 455Robotics and Programmable Logic Controllers3
IE 463Invention and Entrepreneurship3
IE 469Reliability in Engineering Systems3
IE 473Safety Engineering3


Two co-op courses taken in sequence replace a technical elective. In industrial engineering,  In Industrial Engineering,  IE 310 Co-op Work Experience I is taken without credit, and IE 411 Co-op Work Experience II is taken for degree credit, with IE 310 Co-op Work Experience I as a prerequisite.


Students can take MATH 213 (Calculus III B) instead of MATH 211.


Students can take BIOL 200 (Concepts in Biology) instead of CHEM 122.

See the General Education Requirements  “Refer to the General Education Requirements for specific information for GER courses"

This curriculum represents the maximum number of credits per semester for which a student is advised to register.  A full-time credit load is 12 credits.  First-year students are placed in a curriculum that positions them for success which may result in additional time needed to complete curriculum requirements. Continuing students should consult with their academic advisor to determine the appropriate credit load.