Minor in Materials Engineering requires the completion of 5 courses.

MTEN 201Introductory Principles of Materials Engineering3

Student must select at least 2 of the following courses:

MTEN 205Mechanical Behavior of Materials4
MTEN 301Thermodynamics of Materials3
MTEN 305Materials Characterization Methods4
MTEN 309Electronic, Optical, Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Materials4

Student must select up to 2 of the following courses:

ENGR 301Engineering Applications of Data Science3
CHE 415Introduction to 3D Printing3
CHE 444Introduction to Polymer Engineering3
ME 215Engineering Materials and Processes3
ME 438Introduction to Physical Metallurgy3
BME 304Material Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering3
BME 420Advanced Biomaterials Science3
CE 360Civil Engineering Materials2
CHEM 243Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 340Chemistry of Materials3
MTEN 311Kinetics of Materials3
MTEN 410Soft Materials3
MTEN 460Materials Processing3